Tango Workshops

Occasionally Tango Fantástico hosts visiting Argentine stage celebrities, professional teachers and dancers for workshops and private classes.  Tango workshops usually designate an accomplishment level as the format of a workshop requires that students be able to comprehend verbal directions regarding position, movement and the partnership dynamics with a certain degree of proficiency.  Students who are properly qualified in a proficiency category will not detain the other students from advancing. 

Come join in the fun with authentic inspiration straight from Argentina - But come prepared, workshops are more intense and focused than regular weekly classes.  Professional teachers expect students to be motivated to experiment, work hard, and ask relevant questions. 

Remember, Argentine teachers may not be fluent in English and probably speak with an accent.

When we host visitors we will always provide some background information about their dancing careers.

Saturday Workshop


January 2015

January 3 - Heightened Awareness
January 10 - Frame, Head and 'Resistance' 
January 17 - Fun, Simple Moves
January 24 - Crosses for Leader & Follower 
January 31 - Who's on first? Changing the axis of a circular move


Jorge Nel - October 24

JorgeNel Jorge Nel Giraldo (Mr. Tango Shoes) Workshop:  Milonga Traspie

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

All students attending this workshop are required to be able to balance, pivot and lead or follow quick changes of axis. 
Milonga Traspie involves continuous fast footwork through rhythmic application... and a sense of humor!

7:00-8:30pm  Tango Fundamentos - Beginners class with Sue $15.00

7:00-9:00pm  Mr. Tango Shoes for sale and order 

9:00-10:30pm  Milonga Traspie with Jorge Nel & Sue

(Level:  Intermediate & Up) -- $25.00 per person
Dance Boulevard, 1824 Hillsdale Avenue, San Jose, CA 95124

Tango Symposium

The First Tango Fantástico Tango Symposium
Sunday, March 24th 2013   ~   2:00 - 5:00pm

Sue  SashawebTango Symposium - A gathering of tango enthusiasts

FOCUS:  To define, explain and discuss the similarities and differences between the various genres of Tango:
Traditional Salon Style
Nuevo (New)
Social vs Stage
Interviews with Teachers and Experienced Dancers
Demonstrations, Questions, Answers and Experimentation
A look at milonga etiquette and rules
Dancing for everyone (minimum 60 minutes) -- All levels welcome -- $15 per person

Tango Symposium Feedback

The March 24, 2013 Tango Symposium was an experiment, a trial run, which is proving to be of great interest to both the panelists and the attendees:

A word in retrospect from our panelists:

Thank you for inviting me to your symposium, you are a very creative, intelligent , talented & dedicated teacher. IS

You are welcome! It was fun! Good idea to try it every once in a while.  Thanks for organizing! AZ
[Your Tango Symposium] was an interesting event.  I'm afraid that we have not explained enough the difference of dance styles. YK


Response from the audience:

Sunday was a truly rare and valuable experience for me. I sure appreciate all your efforts to bring various perspectives to us.  SL

I was fascinated to observe your reaction and to see the dance and personal connection between you and each leader. What is interesting to me is that each leader asks or desires a follower, (you in this case), to respect, follow and more or less, “ to listen to his uniqueness”. By uniqueness I mean each leader is demonstrating what is significant or unique in their style of Tango. This “focus” is a core aspect of each leaders psyche, so much so, that each leader’s art form reflects their unique personal Tango style and is elevated into a form representing a personal signature of significance.   SL

Thank you so much for organizing this wonderful event for us.  It was indeed very educational and I would welcome more events of this type.  NM
Thanks for bringing another educational, fun Tango program to us and I am definitely interested in more in the future.  SV

Yes, I would like to have another opportunity to attend the Tango Symposium.  Yes, the classical style suits me just fine.  Thank you.  I am having such a good time in your class.  MT

Jorge Torres Returns

Jorge Torres & Maria Blanco

Jorge Torres

Returns to the Bay Area February 18 - 24, 2013
Workshops, Classes & Milonga Appearances

Tuesday February 19, 2013

2:00-5:00pm Private Classes - BDS, Campbell
7:00-8:30pm  All Levels - Dance Boulevard, San Jose
8:30-10:00pm Intermediate/Advanced - Dance Boulevard, San Jose

Thursday February 21, 2013

2:00-5:00pm Private Classes - La Pista, San Francisco
8:00-9:00pm Intermediate Class - Verdi Club, San Francisco
9:00-12:00am Verdi Club Milonga, San Francisco

Jorge  MariawebSaturday February 23, 2013

3:00-4:30pm  All Levels - Dance Boulevard, San Jose
4:30-6:00pm Intermediate - Dance Boulevard, San Jose

Sunday February 24, 2013

2:00-3:30pm  All Levels - La Pista, San Francisco
3:30-5:00pm - La Pista San Francisco
9:00-11:00pm  Alberto's Milonga, Mountain View

Tango Workshop Notes

We may designate a suggested dancer level in the workshop description.  If students are uncertain whether the material will be too complex for them, please scroll down for some help. In selecting the appropriate level of workshop please consider the length of time you have danced as well as your personal ability to lead or follow, successfully.

Beginner (not many members in this club!)

Realistically speaking, completing a six or eight week course in Argentine Tango does not elevate the student from the Beginner status! Six months of regular dancing is often still considered Beginner by the more accomplished. In selecting the appropriate level of workshop please consider the length of time you have danced as well as your personal ability to lead or follow, successfully.

Intermediate (almost everyone)

In general an Intermediate dancer is one who dances regularly and can successfully dance with multiple partners (consecutively, not concurrently) at social events. If you are not a regular social dancer but you have attended multiple classes that are considered to be at an intermediate level, you will be comfortable in all beginner/intermediate and intermediate level workshops.

Advanced (long-time devoteés)

An advanced dancer is one who has pursued tango on a higher level, studied with professional maestros and constantly challenges their ability to excel in the dance. It is not always the complexity of steps that makes a class advanced; it refers more to the skill level required of the student to execute the movements taught with exceptional technique, elegance and poise.

A Word –

If you feel that your skills are improving hour by hour during these workshops you may be inclined to challenge yourself to a workshop that is possibly slightly ahead of your skill set, but please be considerate of the more advanced students who will have specifically selected the more advanced designations and will (naturally) expect the students who share in that workshop to be of comparable ability...

‘Nuff said.

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