Video Clips

Jorge Torres Workshops :: June 2010

Jorge Torres returned to the San Francisco Bay Area during June 2010 for another series of tango workshops. We're excited to share thesevideo clips with you. Watch our site for announcements of his next visit to our area!

Energy Transfer

Assisted by Sue Flanagan

San Jose, California -- June 13, 2010

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Jorge Torres Workshops :: May 2009

Browse our selection of video clips from tango workshops conducted by Jorge Torres in the San Francisco Bay Area during May 2009.

Circular Turns Part 1

Assisted by Sue Flanagan

Palo Alto, California -- May 15, 2009


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Jorge Torres Workshops :: January 2009

A collection of video clips from tango workshops conducted by Jorge Torres in the San Francisco Bay Area during January 2009.

Jorge Torres

Demonstrations with Sue Flanagan

Dramatic and Dynamic Energy (for social dance)

Studying the Use of Energy (part IV)

Alberto's, Mountain View, California -- January 2009

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Jorge Torres Workshops :: Fall 2008

A collection of video clips from tango workshops conducted by Jorge Torres in the San Francisco Bay Area during his fall 2008 visit.

Jorge Torres

Demonstrations With Sue Flanagan

Tango Workshop "Giros"
San Jose, California on October 25, 2008

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