TESO Events

TESO 2012 Thank You

TESO 2012

TESO 2012 Teachers
With Great Appreciation to:
The Masters:

Jorge Torres & Maria Blanco

Miriam Larici & Leonardo Barrionuevo

Side Attractions:

Beatriz Dujovne, speaker & author

Oscar Chang, photography

Jennifer Olson & Felina Shoes

Alona & The Elegant Dress

Mmoon Empanadas
Israel Lipinsky
Emilio Flores
TESO Exhibitors:
Norman & Chantal
Dave & Yvonne
Leo & Alona
Eugene & Raisa
Alex & Natalia
Anup & Irina
John & Elena
Conor & Caroline
Alex & Irina
Tireless Helpers:
Irina, Yuki, Albert, Alex, Oscar, Gary, Ann, Sandi, Nicole
Pitch In Help:
Dave, Conor, Chantal, Mark, Nancy & John
TESO Workshop Attendees (too many to list)
Milonga Dancers (too many to list)
Thank you all for your invaluable contirbution to TESO 2012. The festival ran like a Swiss watch, on time, smoothly, quietly and flawlessly thanks to you.  Your contribution from hanging curtains to fetching ice, from heavy lifting to receiving guests, from rearranging chairs to assembling when the bell rang, from following the registration process to throwing your own trash - every one made managing the festival a cinch for me.

Thank you one and all!

 Sue Flanagan

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